Darci's Walk of Shame

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Short synopsis: When she takes a trip to a tropical resort to attend her sister’s wedding…alone, she makes a snap decision to take a risk and step outside the box and wakes up alone in a stranger’s bed, left to find her way back to her family and take a very long, confusing walk of shame in a ridiculously bright colored taffeta bridesmaid’s gown through the island paradise.

It is a romantic comedy and it will revolve around Darci — “a woman who can’t seem to find the right guy.” Melissa Joan Hart should have had a leading role. She is the star of the 1990s tween sitcoms 'Sabrina the Teenage Witch' and 'Clarissa Explains it All'.

Campaign success

Funding for this project was canceled by the project creator on May 13, 2013.
It had 315 backers. 
They pledged $51,605 of $2,000,000 goal.

In a promotional video for this campaign, on kickstarter, Melissa told fans: “I need your help to prove to people that I’m more than just Clarissa or Sabrina.” Hart also pleaded for fans to take a "leap of faith" in donating and "do what Hollywood won't, and that is to take a chance on me as the lead of a romantic comedy film." She also asked fans to give her the first leading film role she's had since "Drive Me Crazy," in 1999. and hoped to raise $2 million in fan donations but after about a month collected only $51,605 from 315 fans. Project wasn't connected with a facebook and didn't had a poster and a trailer.

Melissa Joan Hart gave a statement for a Los Angeles Times explaining the possible reasons for failed campaign. "We didn’t give fans the two things it takes to sell a movie: a poster and a trailer. I really think that’s where we missed the boat."

She also explains that her team didn't "let the fans know exactly what the project was," and that perhaps it would have been a good idea to get a full cast on board before launching the campaign. "We thought we could do it based on 'Hey, here's Melissa. You've liked what she's done, check out what she's going to do next,'" she says.

Rewards for donors

One of the reasons of not successfull campaign is maybe not so attractive, not original awards for donating money. Here are some:

Pledge $1 or more 

77 backers At just $1, you can still be a part of the project, and you'll receive exclusive backer updates throughout the production! Every $1 will help Darci take her walk of shame. Estimated delivery: May 2013

Pledge $10 or more 

59 backers You will receive a PDF of the shooting script after the film’s release. Additionally, you will receive updates and information as we prep and shoot the film. Estimated delivery: Jun 2014

Pledge $25 or more 

48 backers You will be sent a limited-edition Darci’s Walk of Shame T-shirt. Wear it proudly, but if you wear it out for a night on the town, keep another shirt handy just in case you meet a special someone and want to avoid your own, personal walk of shame. In addition, you’ll also receive the PDF of the shooting script. Estimated delivery: Jun 2014 Ships anywhere in the world

Pledge $35 or more 

43 backers You will receive a digital download of the movie within a few days of the movie’s theatrical debut, or the same day of the DVD release. You will also receive the PDF of the shooting script.

      • This award is available only to U.S. and Canada backers

Estimated delivery: Jun 2014

Pledge $100 or more 

2 backers Limited (398 left of 400) Advance backers' screening and Q&A in London Yes, that's right. London. Why London? You can ask Melissa and Tibor after the screening at the Q&A! You'll also receive the T-Shirt and movie poster. You will have to provide your own travel and accommodations in London. Estimated delivery: Jun 2014

Pledge $100 or more 

3 backers Limited (97 left of 100) Two of our main cast members (not Melissa Joan Hart) will follow you on Twitter for a full year. We don't know who they are yet, but we know you'll want them following you (on Twitter only)! You'll also receive the limited edition T-shirt and the PDF of the shooting script.

Pledge $200 or more 

3 backers You will receive a physical, paper copy of the shooting script, signed by Melissa Joan Hart and the cast-to-be-named-later. You will also receive the official movie poster and the DVD. These items will be shipped within the first few days after the movie’s release. Estimated delivery: Sep 2014 Only ships to: United States Estimated delivery: Jun 2014

Pledge $250 or more 

16 backers Limited (84 left of 100) You will receive an on-screen thank you during the end credits of the film! You and 99 others will be specially thanked for your help in making this film possible. You’ll also receive the signed movie poster and the DVD.

      • Another disclaimer! We will do everything in our power to make sure your name is spelled correctly and we don’t miss any names or leave anyone out. However, mistakes are made, and if we make one here, be assured there is no intent. We ask for your forgiveness, with the understanding that once the film is released, we won’t be able to make any changes.

Estimated delivery: Jun 2014

Pledge $500 or more 

0 backers Limited (100 left of 100) Melissa Joan Hart will record up to a 20 second outgoing voicemail message for you. You can decide the content (in good taste, please). We’ll also send you a few suggested greetings to choose from. You will receive this award in the form of an mp3. You’ll also get a signed movie poster, a DVD and the PDF of the movie shooting script. Estimated delivery: Jun 2014 Ships anywhere in the world

Pledge $1,000 or more 

4 backers Limited (96 left of 100) Two tickets to the red carpet “Darci’s Walk of Shame” premiere in Hollywood, California, to be attended by the cast and filmmakers, plus two tickets to the exclusive after-party, also attended by the cast and creators. You’ll also receive the signed movie poster, the DVD and the PDF of the shooting script. Estimated delivery: Jun 2014 Ships anywhere in the world

Pledge $5,000 or more 

0 backers Limited (5 left of 5) You will receive an original costume worn in the film by Melissa Joan Hart. It might be a dress, it might be a beautiful pair of shoes, but it will come with a certificate of authenticity signed by Melissa, along with a photograph of Melissa from the film wearing your item. You’ll also receive the DVD, the signed poster and the PDF of the shooting script. Estimated delivery: Jun 2014

Pledge $8,000 or more 

0 backers Limited (4 left of 4) Be an Associate Producer! You will receive on-screen credit in the final end titles of the film as “Associate Producer.” You’ll be invited to a day on the set (you pay for travel) and you’ll get your own director’s chairback with your name and title (chair not included). If you can’t make it to the set, you’ll still get the chairback and you will see your name on screen. You’ll also receive two tickets to the Hollywood premiere and after-party, where as an Associate Producer, you get to…associate with the producer! (You pay for travel, lodging and transportation) You’ll also get the signed script, movie poster and DVD. If you come to the set and you’re really nice, the director might even let you yell “Action!”

      • Any minor must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, and you must have a valid passport to travel to location.
Pledge $10,000 

0 backers Limited (2 left of 2) Darci’s Walk of Shame takes place at a wedding. At this award level, our cast will “appear” at your wedding! We will make a personalized video from our set that you can play at your event (or on You Tube, or both). Melissa and her co-stars will toast you, send their best wishes for your happiness, and if you’d like, introduce you to your guests as husband and wife for the first time! It’s a video experience that will last a lifetime. P.S.: You’ll also receive the signed script, movie poster, T-shirt and DVD. Estimated delivery: Jun 2014

Project success

Melissa has become the first high-profile celebrity to fail to have a movie funded by Kickstarter. After the Veronica Mars and Zach Braff's Garden State follow-up Wish I Was Here success, it must have seemed like any old celebrity, with the first idea that crossed their mind ,could collect millions of dollars from their fans. But this campaign proved that is not the case.

Some comments on Kickstarter page can describe why campaign and in the same time project didn't succeed.

"I think the people that created this need to be a whole lot more humble. 
 "Two of our main cast members (not Melissa) will follow you" Honestly?? 
 I love you Mel, but I can't, I just can't. I hope you give this another shot though 
 and this time succesful."

Wrote Gui Omena on May 12, 2013

"Do some good pre-campaign marketing before starting the campaign. 
  Create excitement. If you can swing it, film a short scene from the script with stand-in actors
  to show people what you hoping to do." 

Wrote Merin on May 9, 2013

In article on The Guardian internet website is written that : Her big mistake was thinking that people care about her as an actor. She was wrong; they only care about one specific TV show that she made as an actor more than a decade ago. Darci's Walk of Shame might be dead in the water, but Sabrina the Teenage Witch: The Motion Picture is another thing entirely. All she'd need to do would be to write "I'm making a Sabrina movie! The 90s LOL!" – and maybe throw in a gif of that robot cat rolling its eyes – and she'd be raking it in by teatime.