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The AIDA describes the four phases potential buyer has to go through before purchasing a product or service. It is basis of marketing and promotion, which play an important role in crowdfunding. In the first stage, the attention of the purchaser must be activated ("A"). In the second stage, this attention is expanded so that the potential purchaser is finally interested in buying the product ("I"). Crowdfunding is well known as not selling a product, but the potential supporter should have, towards the end of the second stage, an interest in supporting the crowdfunding project. In the third stage, the interest is converted in desire ("D") to purchase. This desire arises out from different interests. For example, the supporter would like to contribute to get recognition or to get a particular thank you. In the fourth stage, the potential buyer makes a decision, whether to give a financial support ("A"). On AIDA is indeed criticized that it runs linearly, but when used in the area crowdfunding it provides a sufficient basis to understand the processes.

As the world of advertising becomes more and more competitive, advertising becomes more and more sophisticated. Yet the basic principles behind advertising copy remain – that it must attract attention and persuade someone to take action. And this idea remains true simply because human nature doesn't really change. Sure, we become increasingly discerning, but to persuade people to do something, you still need to grab their attention, interest them in how your product or service can help them, and then persuade them to take the action you want them to take, such as buying your product or visiting your website.[1]

Acronym AIDA

he acronym AIDA is a handy tool for ensuring that your copy, or other writing, grabs attention. The acronym stands for:

Attention (or Attract)

These are the four steps you need to take your audience through if you want them to buy your product or visit your website, or indeed to take on board the messages in your report.

How to use the Tool

Use the AIDA approach when you write a piece of text that has the ultimate objective of getting others to take action. The elements of the acronym are as follows:


In our media-filled world, you need to be quick and direct to grab people's attention. Use powerful words, or a picture that will catch the reader's eye and make them stop and read what you have to say next.

With most office workers suffering from e-mail overload, action-seeking e-mails need subject lines that will encourage recipients to open them and read the contents. For example, to encourage people to attend a company training session on giving feedback, the email headline, "How effective is YOUR feedback?" is more likely to grab attention than the purely factual one of, "This week's seminar on feedback".


This is one of the most challenging stages: You've got the attention of a chunk of your target audience, but can you engage with them enough so that they'll want to spend their precious time understanding your message in more detail?

Gaining the reader's interest is a deeper process than grabbing their attention. They will give you a little more time to do it, but you must stay focused on their needs. This means helping them to pick out the messages that are relevant to them quickly. So use bullets and subheadings, and break up the text to make your points stand out.


The Interest and Desire parts of AIDA go hand-in-hand: As you're building the reader's interest, you also need to help them understand how what you're offering can help them in a real way. The main way of doing this is by appealing to their personal needs and wants.

So, rather than simply saying "Our lunchtime seminar will teach you feedback skills", explain to the audience what's in it for them: "Get what you need from other people, and save time and frustration, by learning how to give them good feedback."


Finally, be very clear about what action you want your readers to take; for example, "Visit now for more information" rather than just leaving people to work out what to do for themselves.


  1. [1] MindTool_seen on Dec 15, 2015